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  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Add User to Contact List
  • Add Contact to Segment
  • Saving Ticketing Orders/Purchase Data
  • Set Custom User Properties
  • Introduction

    The Hive Javascript SDK allows you to update your contact list in Hive from your own web properties - based on how users interact with your website or signup form.

    Getting Started

    Whitelist Your Domain

    Your website's domain must be whitelisted in our system (i.e. approved) before you can run the Hive SDK on it. To whitelist a new domain, please email Domains used for production and development sites can be whitelisted at the same time.

    SDK Initialization

    To initialize the Hive SDK on your site, use the following code:

    (function(h,i,v,e,s,d,k){h.HiveSDKObject=s;h[s]=h[s]||function(){(h[s].q=h[s].q||[]).push(arguments)},d=i.createElement(v),k=i.getElementsByTagName(v)[0];d.async=1;;d.src=e+'?r='+parseInt(new Date()/60000);k.parentNode.insertBefore(d,k)})(window,document,'script','','HIVE_SDK')
    HIVE_SDK('init', YOUR_BRAND_HIVE_ID, function(data){  // Initialization success callback
      // data.user contains info about the currently user (if available)

    The above command will call the callback function, containing the current user's information if the current user is already "authenticated" with Hive and your brand:

      user: {
        id: 1,  // the user's id in Hive, useful for identifying users if saved within your application
        email: '',
        firstName: 'Patrick',
        lastName: 'Hannigan',

    You must initialize the Hive SDK on your website (by making a call to the init command) before calling any of the SDK's other commands (such as emailSignup). Commands made before an init command is made will be discarded, while any commands made afterwards (even during initialization) will be handled as soon as initialization is complete.

    Make sure that you're initializing the SDK on a domain (or subdomain) that's been whitelisted for your brand id. If you are not sure that your domain has been whitelisted for your brand, please reach out to your account manager.

    The callback argument in the init command will be executed once the SDK sucessfully initializes. If the current user is "authenticated" with Hive and your brand, the callback will be passed an object containing a user field including information about the currently "authenticated" user.

    Add User to Contact List

    Making a call to any of the Hive SDK's "signup" command will take care of "authenticating" the user and adding them to your brand's contact list in Hive. After a user is "authenticated", any calls to the SDK's init command will pass that user's data into the init 'success' callback.

    Add via Email Address

    To add a user via an email address (with an optional phone number), call the following code:

        email: '',
        didOptIn: true,  // optional
        phoneNumber: '+15198864500',  // optional, ideally with a country code, i.e. +1 in this example
        didSmsOptIn: true,  // optional
        firstName: 'Patrick',  // optional
        lastName: 'Hannigan',  // optional
        birthday: '01/25/1985',  // optional, MM/DD/YYYY formatted
        location: 'Kitchener, Ontario, Canada',  // optional
        zipCode: 'N2H 3X7',  // optional
        country: 'Canada',  // optional
        city: 'Kitchener',  // optional
        state: 'Ontario',  // optional
        mailingAddress: '283 Duke St West, Unit 304',  // optional
      function(data){  // Success Callback
        // data.user contains info about the currently auth'ed user
      function(data){  // Error Callback
        // data contains error information

    The above code will in turn call the 'success' callback with the following JSON:

      user: {
        id: 1,  // the user's id in Hive, useful for identifying users if saved within your application
        email: '',
        firstName: 'Patrick',
        lastName: 'Hannigan',

    This command will take the provided user data, and use it to "authenticate" the current user and add them to your brand's contact list in Hive.

    The email field is the only required field, although passing along as much data as possible is recommended. For instance, including firstName will help to generate a gender for your contacts in Hive. location should be a string with as much location granularity as possible (we'll take care of geocoding, etc. on our own).

    If you're including a user's phone number, provide it in E.164 or RFC3966 format to ensure that it is properly saved. In cases where Hive cannot resolve a poorly formatted phone number, a default country code of +1 (United States/Canada) will be assumed. Users with invalid phone numbers will not be saved into Hive.

    To ensure you can legally send SMS messages to your contacts via Hive, you must also collect explicit opt-in consent from each user that complies with TCPA. If users have provided you with explicit consent to receive SMS messages, you should pass a value of true for the didSmsOptIn parameter. If this parameter is passed in as false (or if this parameter is not provided at all), then the user will still be imported into your Hive account but no SMS messages can be sent to them.

    After the signup is successful, the 'success' callback will be called with information about the user. If something goes wrong, the 'error' callback function will be called with details regarding what went wrong.

    Add via Phone Number

    To add a user via a phone number only, call the following code:

        phoneNumber: '+15198864500',  // ideally with a country code, i.e. +1 in this example
        didSmsOptIn: true,  // optional
        firstName: 'Patrick',  // optional
        lastName: 'Hannigan',  // optional
        birthday: '01/25/1985',  // optional, MM/DD/YYYY formatted
        location: 'Kitchener, Ontario, Canada',  // optional
        zipCode: 'N2H 3X7',  // optional
        country: 'Canada',  // optional
        city: 'Kitchener',  // optional
        state: 'Ontario',  // optional
        mailingAddress: '283 Duke St West, Unit 304',  // optional
      function(data){  // Success Callback
        // data.user contains info about the currently auth'ed user
      function(data){  // Error Callback
        // data contains error information

    The above code will in turn call the 'success' callback with the following JSON:

      user: {
        id: 1,  // the user's id in Hive, useful for identifying users if saved within your application
        firstName: 'Patrick',
        lastName: 'Hannigan',

    This command will take the provided user data, and use it to "authenticate" the current user and add them to your brand's contact list in Hive.

    To ensure that phone numbers are properly saved, provide phone numbers in E.164 or RFC3966 format. In cases where Hive cannot resolve a poorly formatted phone number, a default country code of +1 (United States/Canada) will be assumed. Users with invalid phone numbers will not be saved into Hive.

    To ensure you can legally send SMS messages to your contacts via Hive, you must also collect explicit opt-in consent from each user that complies with TCPA. If users have provided you with explicit consent to receive SMS messages, you should pass a value of true for the didSmsOptIn parameter. If this parameter is passed in as false (or if this parameter is not provided), then the user will still be imported into your Hive account but no SMS messages can be sent to them.

    The phoneNumber field is the only required field, although passing along as much data as possible is recommended. For instance, including firstName will help to generate a gender for your contacts in Hive. location should be a string with as much location granularity as possible (we'll take care of geocoding, etc. on our own).

    After the signup is successful, the 'success' callback will be called with information about the user. If something goes wrong, the 'error' callback function will be called with details regarding what went wrong.

    Add Contact to Segment

    Add to Static Segment

    To add a user to a segment, call the following code:

      'VIP Contacts Segment',  // any segment name you choose
      function(){},  // Success Callback
      function(data){  // Error Callback
        // data contains error information

    This command will add the currently "authenticated" user to a static segment in Hive that matches the name you provide. If a segment does not exist for the name you provided, one will be created.

    Saving Ticketing Orders/Purchase Data

    Save a Newly-Created Ticketing Order

    Call the following code to create an order:

        'id': 'unique_order_id_1234',  // unique id for this order as saved into your own database
        'status': 'started',  // one of: "started" (user has started order), "completed" (user has completed order)
        'total_paid': 50.75,
        'event': {
          'id': 'unique_event_id_1234',  // unique id for this event as saved into your own database
          'name': 'St. Paddy\'s Day Outdoor Concert',
          'description': 'There will be live entertainment and lots of food! Parking is available across the street.',  // (optional)
          'start_time': '2019-03-17T10:00:00-04:00',  // when does the event begin? in ISO 8601 format
          'end_time': '2019-03-17T18:00:00-04:00',  // when does the event end? in ISO 8601 format
          'url': '',  // a public url to buy tickets for this event
          'image_url': '',  // (optional) a banner image or other public image for this event
          'artist_names': 'Pat Flannigan, Andrew Sayer',  // (optional) comma separated values
          'genre_names': 'Hip Hop, Electronic',  // (optional) comma separated values
          'tag_names': 'Festival, Summer', // (optional) comma separated values
        'venue': {
          'name': 'McCabe\'s Irish Pub',
          'city': 'Toronto',
          'state': 'Ontario',
          'country': 'Canada',
        // success callback, called after data is saved
        // failure callback, called if something goes wrong
        // error information is provided in the "data" param

    All fields that aren't marked "optional" are required. If a field isn't provided, we'll throw an error message.\

    All dates (ie event.start_time etc.) should be provided as strings in ISO 8601 format. If you dont specify a timezone offset in your date, please make sure the time you're passing is in UTC.

    Make sure the values for id and are unique per order/event and match what you'd save into your database. You'll use the same order id when updating this order in the future (see the update command below). We use's to keep track of orders made by different people to the same event.

    Ensure the order's status is correctly provided. Currently, there are two values for status that are supported: - started Use this when a user has started an order but not yet completed it. We'll store the "in progress" order inside Hive and you can use this data to target these users, e.g. send them "abandoned cart" reminder emails. - completed Use this when a user has fully completed an order, e.g. after payment is confirmed.

    After a user completes an order previously marked as started (and saved into Hive as such), use the ticketingOrder.update command below to update its status and other properties

    If you provide a value for an event's artist_names, genre_names and tag_names, this will allow users to filter for orders saved in Hive by their event's artists, event genres, and tags and build customer segments and target email/SMS off of these fields.

    Update an Existing Ticketing Order

    To update a previously created order in Hive, use the following command:

        'id': 'unique_order_id_1234',  // the same unique id for this order as provided in previous "create" commands
        'status': 'completed',  // one of: "started" (order still in progress), "completed" (user has completed order)
        'total_paid': 50.75,
        // success callback, called after data is saved
        // failure callback, called if something goes wrong
        // error information is provided in the "data" param

    Orders saved in Hive should be kept up-to-date throughout a user's browsing/checkout/purchasing session (e.g. as they add & remove items from their cart and eventually checkout and complete the order).

    The fields id and status are required. If they aren't provided, we'll throw an error message.

    Make sure the value for the order's id matches what you used when making the previous ticketingOrder.create command. If you provide an order id that doesn't exist yet, we'll discard the ticketingOrder.update command.

    Ensure the value for the order's status is one of the two valid options (started or completed, see above).

    Always pass in the most up-to-date value for total_paid as a user's order changes over time.

    Set Custom User Properties

    This command will set custom user properties on the currently "authenticated" user. Any custom user properties that did not exist before will get created and any existing custom user properties that do exist will be updated.

    Use the following command to set custom user properties on the authenticated user.

        // 'Property Name': 'Property Value'
        'Favorite Color': 'blue',
        'Import ID': 'ABCD123'
      function() { 
        // success calback, called after data is saved
      function(data) {
        // failure callback, called if something goes wrong
        // error information is provided in the "data" param

    Note that the values for each custom user property must be a string. Any value passed in that is not a string will be saved as a string.